Monthly Archives: June 2011

Create Memories in Busy Times

Sometimes I get so caught up in the action of meeting a deadline that I don’t have any time to be in the present with my children–I’m just looking at the task that needs to be completed. And something that I have found completely shocking is that I don’t remember those busy times.

Not a single one of them.

It’s like I’m not here. Where am I? And where did all that time go when I could be interacting with and teaching my children?

I’ve realized I need to slow down. To live in the present and not be rushed into the future. If it takes an honest thirty minutes to get out of the house, plan forty. And enjoy that extra time to snuggle while helping to put shoes on, to teach them how to tie knots, to let them pick out their own clothes, to watch them learn and grow.

Those are the things I remember. The times when I got on my child’s level and related to them. When they showed me why an ant was amazing, why the lake was magical… When I listened to the music of their giggles and chatter.

I’ve found it’s just not worth it to rush through everything–to get to the future faster. It is worth it to spend the time to know, understand and remember your child.

Remember in the midst of busy days to create memories.